Saturday, 26 April 2014

How to be more productive

Being productive is hard, it doesn't take a genius to work that out. But today I was oddly productive, which lead me to thinking- what did I do differently?So I've looked at what personally makes me more productive, hopefully I can keep reapplying these tips so that freak productivity days are more frequent!

1.Change up your environment 

My room is being painted at the moment, forcing me to move from the same desk I always sit at and downstairs to the dining room table. I've found that a change in environment actually makes me want to work more, it refreshes my mind and takes me away from the place I automatically associate with work. Simply moving to another room or taking your studying to a coffee shop etc. spices it up a bit.

2.Immerse yourself in what you are doing

I know you've probably heard this a million and one times but eliminating distractions really does help. Personally, I feel guilty every time I log onto Facebook when I should be working but that doesn't mean I don't do it. Even music can be a distraction sometimes. Strip back everything that isn't what you should be doing- that one notification can wait. 
3.Give yourself time limits
It can be hard to get things done when your time's your own. Try setting yourself time limits for different things, 'in half an hour this and this will be complete.' This way you can measure your progress and work out if you are working too slow etc. 

Procrastination is hard to kick, but so worth it in the end when you have nothing left to do!


Friday, 25 April 2014

Letter to my 25yr old self...

As you are reading this, I hope you currently reside somewhere you love. I hope that your confidence has grown and that you fully appreciate what life has to offer you, for better or for worst. I hope that you are well on your way to becoming a vet and if not, I trust that something has altered your course for the better. I hope that you can finally be comfortable with how you look and that you have learnt that you're not all that bad. 

I hope that you have managed to finally grow out your hair and I pray that you have not altered it too much, I've all ready learnt that natural is best for me. I hope that you wear the clothes that you've always dreamed of (or at least looked at them through a shop window.) I hope that you've continued to play netball and are aware of how far you've come- even if you're not satisfied with your performance.

And who knows, maybe you've met someone. Maybe they make you want to sing from the roof tops and skip through meadows; but don't forget your family. They love you just as much.

All in all, I hope that you have grown as a person, and are the person which I've always wanted to be.

(past) Abbie

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Spring redecorating!

The time has come, spring has sprung and paint has been brought. It's time for a spring redecoration-bedroom style.

Along side the usual spring cleaning, I am so excited to say that my room is going through a complete re-vamp. Currently, I have moved all my things downstairs in boxes and my wardrobe now consists of two rails, that I have to wheel to somewhere else anytime we want to get work done.

And while it is difficult to live out of cardboard boxes, the wait is defiantly going to be worth it!

Although currently I can't really show you my progress (there's nothing very exciting about a newly plastered ceiling or a newly sanded door) I can hopefully document my room being transformed.

For now, here's some sneak previews:
1. Choice of wallpaper
2.Choice of bed
3.Choice of mirror

To say I'm excited is an understatement!! 


Sunday, 20 April 2014

The chocolate feasting has begun!

...and lent is finally over!!

Needless to say, I completely failed succeeded at what I was giving up for lent, erm...

ANYWAY, moving rapidly on. By the time you're reading this it will be Easter Sunday and no doubt I will probably already be on the sofa in a chocolate-induced comma. But hey, that's what Easter's all about isn't it! It's not? Oh.

I joke, but however you decide to spent your Easter Sunday, I hope you have a good one. And after that 40 day blogging hiatus, I will hopefully return to regular blogging ASAP.

Speak to you soon!

