I am very fortunate with the fact that I have been nominated for a Liebster award by the lovely Elle! Thank you so much!
The Liebster award is passed through the blogosphere as a sort of welcome. It highlights up and coming bloggers and allows them to gain an audience that they may have not gotten without it. Essentially, It is a sort of tag with each nominee setting out ten questions for the next nominee and so forth and so forth. It really does seem like a great thing and I am very happy that I am lucky enough to be a part of it!
So, without further ado, these are the questions Elle set me:
1) What's your number one holy grail beauty product?
This would have to be my current mascara, It's by Max Factor and is supposedly an eye brightening mascara. Mine is especially for blue eyes, although I don't think it makes that much of a difference. Apparently it's all to do with light particles and I've definitely noticed that my eye lashes appear blue in the light. Anyway I love it, and you can find it here.
2) iPhone or Android?
Hmm, I'm going to have to go with iPhone. I had an android for a while and unfortunately smashed it! Overall, I just prefer the whole design of the iPhone.
3) Has blogging changed your life in anyway?
At the moment, no groundbreaking change. However, I am most defiantly writing more and looking at things in a more creative light. This is great as it is something I really love to do, and now I have an excuse to! It's also opened my eyes up to a whole new community of really lovely people. So who knows what the future could bring. (:
4) Is this your first blog? Or have you made other attempts?
this is my first blog so no other attempts. I am just learning as I go along and it has served me great so far!
5) What's your favorite season?
This is hard for me as I love different parts of each season. Even though my birthday is in winter, I will have to say summer as the warm(ish) weather makes me really productive. On top of that, I live in a seaside town and it just comes alive with tourists, activities and fun things in the summer. Saying that, who doesn't love the baby animals and pretty flowers in the spring.
6) One item of clothing/accessory you couldn't live out?
Most definitely my leather jacket from New Look. I brought It with birthday money in the winter sale and It's one of my staple pieces of clothing! It has faux sheepskin lining and is sooo warm! It's very similar to this jacket and i'd say it was my most successful purchase of 2013.
7) If you could have dinner with 5 people, dead or alive, who would it be?
This is an incredibly hard question! If I had to choose it would probably be: 1. Dougie Poynter; the bass player of Mcfly, he's a huge inspiration to me and I love his sense of humor and his face. 2.Sir David Attenborough; I could listen to him talk for ages about everything he's seen and experienced and I generally think he'd be great company.3.Prince Harry; maybe an odd choice but I think he'd be hilarious to have a conversation with! 4.Brian Cox; similarly to David Attenborough, I'd just really like to hear what he has got to say for himself and I am fascinated by space and stars etc. so he'd be really interesting to talk to. 5. Jeremy Sumpter, need I say more. You have no idea how long It took me to decide that list!
8) How do your family/friends feel about your blog?
As I have only just started out, It's not really common knowledge yet. However, my younger brother knows and he just thinks it's really cool!
9) Dogs or cats?
I am crazy cat lady. I really love dogs, but I've grown up with cats my whole life and I'd be lost without my little tabby cat, Saffron.
10)Who is your ultimate style icon?
A huge style icon for me would have to be Emma Watson. I love how beautiful she looks, even with short hair. I've always loved the look of a pixie cut however I'm too scared to cut all my hair off! So I will admire how nice it looks from afar. Plus, she always dresses amazingly. Blogger wise, Zoella is a big inspiration to me.
Thanks for the questions, they were very well thought out! Here are my Ten:
1. Who are your favorite bands/music artists?
2. If you could up root and move anywhere in the world right now, were would you go?
3. Are you currently studying? If so, what? If not, did you enjoy your education?
4. Favorite animal?
5. Who inspires/motivates you in the blogging community?
6. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
7. Do you read often? What are your favorite books?
8. Best moment of 2013?
9. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
10.What advice can you give to those looking to start a blog?
I nominate:
I'd love to hear your responses! Please link me to your posts if you can, and carry on the tag. Thanks!
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